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E-XD++ Gis advanced visualization source code Kit for C/C++ and .NET 2025!

 Geographic Information System GIS solution in E-XD++ visualization component library is an important solution, E-XD++ Visualization Graphics is a 100% Visual C++ / MFC  based Vector Editor, it ships with complete source codes,  it contains the most popular GIS, editing capabilities features. It convers GIS system for the editing of Vector map features, map navigator, map browsing operation function. It will be the best choice for building your own "Full Customized" GIS software, you do not event need to write one line of code, a very professional and complete functional GIS based application is created, it will saves you at least 80% of building time and a lot of money.

   We offer these solutions does not mean that E-XD++ component library visual graphics applications can only develop these areas, in fact, E-XD++ like any other third party C ++ component library contains hundreds "Ready to use" functions separately. Same with QT,  MFC, etc., you can independently determine the need for E-XD++ in a function, in general, as long as you need graphics, you need flow charts, control charts, printing, typesetting , simulation, electronic maps, power wiring diagrams, forms, etc., you can use the E-XD++ components library, of course, sometimes Maybe you only want to use the the color drop - down control without the need of other graphics function, you can still use E-XD++ to do that!  

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GisEditor function and operation


 Simply put, GIS system will describe the location (place) combines layers of information, through which information can make you a better understanding of the location (place).  You can choose which layers as needed information, such as the lot to find a better set up shop, analyzing environmental damage, through an integrated city in the same crime, that type of crime and so on.

 GisEditor is UCanCode latest GIS-specific solutions, the official version provides all of its 100% source code.  All code used in all VC + + / MFC development made ​​for the application you develop any Gis save a lot of time.

 GisEditor solve the basic problem is: through the layers to build a multi-level maps, point layer is divided into layers, line layer and the surface layer.  Surface rendering at the bottom, line layer Secondly, points plotted in the top layer.

 Single layer can be any database table to establish the appropriate properties, property database table can be defined according to the needs the appropriate database fields.  Database tables stored in the corresponding data source.  Layer in any of the current pixel can be free to choose whether the database tables added to the property, if the increase in, the association may want to set the corresponding property value.  A graph element can be set with any number of related database records.

 System provides a complete operating functions of the layer, such as: add, delete, change.

 Layer in the element attribute data are free to edit, query.

 Layers of the attribute data can be queried, the output reports and statistical charts.

 At the same time the system also supports importing external ArcView Shape files.

 GisEditor database

 GisEditor database is a spatial database.  In addition to type text or numbers stored in the attribute data, you can also save point, line or polygon vector data types.  In GisEditor database, support for hierarchical structures.  This means: you can set different levels of Gis project, each place different graphical elements.  Of course, can also be calculated on the basis of statistics and output reports.

 GisEditor database is also time-series databases, all data are associated with dates.  So you can see the time change in the attribute data path.

 All the properties for the GisEditor design data are stored in a database file, the system default database is provided Micrososft Access database, you can use this database file to package redistribution.

 The structure of the database features and attributes, you can define the project needs the corresponding data dictionary. To meet the needs of the project.


 Each layer contains a spatial attribute, such as: administrative boundaries, or a village location, as well as text or numeric attribute as a label, for example, in the village, or in the number of households above the poverty line name.

 You can create a thematic map, pursuant to the specific data analysis shows the decision by the layers. For example, you can be administrative divisions as a graphic, you can use different colors to represent the housing and climate change.

 Use of E-XD++ powerful editing features, you can easily modify any of the geometric characteristics of graphics, such as the type and appearance of signs and labels positioning and so on.  In GisEditor, you are free to decide whether a pixel into a meaningful database or not, if placed in the database, the database will be located under the layer of the primitive definition of the database table for the corresponding database record.



 Use GisEditor, you can enter the conditions to complete the query and report shows, for example, you can enter certain conditions show only income less than 1200 yuan village, and its fill color to red.  These features allow you to better control what to display.  You are free to set the query, for example: can only select or display the data in 2010 does not belong to the formal settlers and only in the construction of housing for families.

 Enquiries can also be used for statistical calculations.  For example, you can calculate the number of families below the poverty line.  You can also output data histograms, time series graphs and pie charts.

Image Digital

GisEditor support including the printing of digital maps.  By providing a comprehensive tool GisEditor any completed a map of digital image files.  In the digital, you can import image files through the way of any image file into the canvas as a background base map, and then digitizes it.

 Printed maps can be a little scanner and other devices to the computer directly to save the image acquisition to the corresponding image file, then save the image file into the canvas to complete the digital image file.  Data can be directly encoded.  You can also encode data Excel spreadsheet, then import the Excel file.


Earth and the latitude and longitude coordinates on a map using Cartesian  (The x, y) coordinate transformation is called map projection.   Latitude / longitude coordinates and representatives around the equator and the Earth's distance from the Greenwich meridian difference, when we use the map displayed on the computer screen or map the spherical coordinates (D) must be converted to plane (D conversion) coordinates for specific areas of the earth.   This is the projection.

GISEDITOR data storage and the corresponding coordinates (x, y) of the associated primitives.   When the data in latitude / longitude converted to x, y coordinates using the default stored in the database before the projector.  

 When you import GISEDITOR data, it will automatically determine whether the latitude / longitude data, or x, y coordinates and convert the data needed.

A  UTM  Projection

When you first GISEDITOR create a new database, you will be told not define the default projection.   Choose to define a new projection. Operation is as follows:

1), select "Database | Map Projection Settings" submenu.

2) can be defined in the following dialog box, map projection.

  Then the following dialog box will appear:.

In this dialog box, as you need to set the appropriate parameters.

Creating thematic maps

 Thematic map is in color or line styles and symbols unified map.  For example, the size of the village sign on behalf of its population.

 Create thematic maps, the first layer added to the map included spatial attributes (line / polgons or coordinates) and the label is mapped theme.  Layers dialog box from the map, you can add a new layer and select the surface type, you can also use the cover illustration shows the shapefile file.

Note: Add a layer, make sure you have configured the appropriate data source, and set up the appropriate map projection.

Data Dictionary

  Data dictionary defines the data structure GISEDITOR features and their properties database.    This is similar to the relational database tables and columns.  Of course there is some difference and relational databases, including:

1), pixel level can be arranged, the property features of the data field may be his son.  

For example, the 'village' may have a parent feature 'area'.  And text attributes (numbers, text, notes, etc.) data, but also can have spatial attributes (coordinates, polyline / polygon or geographic coordinates, links, image files), to be mapped.  For example, there may be a county boundary line type / polygon attribute field.

2), all features have a default name. For example, the 'village' is probably the name of 'Third Stream', 'river', etc.

  All attribute fields are associated with a date. For example, the 'population' and changes over time.  Any property fields are likely to change over time, such as: administrative boundaries, rivers, etc.

The structure of your data dictionary will reflect the information you want to store and use the output of the report content GISEDITOR.  Usually this is the simplest structure of the database to reflect your administrative structure of the project area.  For example, you can create

   For the 'province', 'City', 'county' and 'family' and so primitive, for each pixel, you create the attribute data tables to store their information.    And automatically has a name and a date attribute.  For example, for a province you can create a 'boundary line of type' attribute / type of polygons and a 'center'

Field types of attributes and coordinates.  

You want to store attribute information, such as socio-economic data, environmental indicators, or demographic data can be stored as part of the defined function, that is 'family', 'villages' and so on, meaningful set of data.  For example, 'Population', 'family index', 'the village community organizations' and so on. Database may be arranged pixel level, such as the 'village' has superior properties 'county'.

 For these primitives, you can define the corresponding number of attributes.   For example,

'Population' may have a property type - the number of the total population and the 'digital type - family.'Family indicators' may have attribute' number of children in primary school - the type number.

 Note: Due to the properties of the data dictionary hierarchy, may be inherited, so only need to define one.   For example, if your target is not necessary to store the family is also stored as the municipal index statistics. Specific statistical data can be calculated by querying the consultation.

 The following is a basic guide GisEditor:

1 Create a new database

GisEditor database data is stored in Access database.When you first run you will see the following data source settings dialog box.  

1), from the list, select an existing database source DNS, click 'Open' button.  

2), click "Create New ..." button,    Save As dialog box will open.   Select the database you want to save the folder

Save the file name and input and click OK button.

), you can by clicking the "Database Manager" button to open the Data Source Configuration dialog box.

2, into the background base maps

Can be imported in any one GisEditor Gif, PNG, MNG, JPEG, BMP and other image file as a background to complete the digital base map, as follows:

1), select "File | Import the background image" menu, the file through the pop-up dialog box to select the base map image file.

2), select "File | offset the background image" menu to the background image to draw on the canvas to complete migration.

3, add a new layer

 Layers in the canvas on the left list box, click the right mouse button, select "Add New Layer" menu, and then the dialog box appears, Layer layer type can be point, line and surface layers and layers several options. Please also belong to one can identify the layer name.

4, delete the layer

 List on the left in the canvas need to remove the layer selected, click the right mouse button "Delete Layer" to remove this layer, the layer will automatically remove all the layers of graphics elements be deleted, but will not be removed from the database the corresponding database table, if you want to delete the database tables, select "Database" menu sub-menu for the corresponding function. Layer and the data can choose to delete the cancellation of the Edit menu to restore the sub-menu.

5, modify the layer information

If you want to change the layer name and type of confidence in the canvas on the left of the layer list to select the appropriate layer, right click and select "Layer Properties" sub-menu, then Settings dialog box will pop up.

This layer is the layer code string associated with the database, if you want the layer with an existing database table associated in the drop-down list to select the encoding of the table.

6, for the layers to create the database tables

In GisEditor in any layer can establish the corresponding attribute data table, if you want to create the table, the canvas on the left of the layer list, select the appropriate layer name, then click the right mouse button, select "Database Connection" sub-menu, dialog box appears as follows:

And then create the corresponding database field functions, including the properties of space field list (line / polygons, numbers, etc.). In the lower part of the dialog box you can define all the attributes required of the database fields, such as adding new fields, updates the selected fields, and delete database fields and so on.

 If you need to add new database fields, the operation when the first edit box on the right, enter the description field, type, etc., and then click the above "Add" button.

Description: built on top of a layer hierarchy.   Enter the name of the layer, for example: 'province', as this parent in the hierarchy function '"Untitled' and relationship between superiors. Once the functions and data dictionary definition of your property, you can input records, or import the data into the database.

7, drawing primitives:

 First in the list, select the left layer primitives need to be placed in layers, and then the canvas in the right drawing tools you can use the right tool bar or the left of the box element of any plan to draw the layers of information.

8 pixel in the canvas to add to the database:

Selected on the canvas need to be added to the database primitives, click the right mouse button, select "Add Database Properties ..." submenu, you can add the pixel to the database, change the pixel where the layer will increase corresponding database table.

9, the canvas element in the removal from the database:

Selected on the canvas need to be removed from the database primitives, click the right mouse button, select the "Delete Database Properties ..." submenu, then the pixel removed from the database table.

10, edit the record of primitive attribute data:

GISEDITOR中,These records are built based on the data dictionary.   Property may be the following data types:

Boolean, coordinate, document, hot links, images, links, notes, numbers, line / polygon, text.  

Once you establish the corresponding primitive database connection, you can edit its properties and query the data. Selected on the canvas need to edit the database records of the primitives, click the right mouse button, select "Edit Database Properties ..." submenu, you can edit in the following dialog box records:

11, see the canvas pixel data in the database properties:

Selected on the canvas need to check the database record of the primitives, click the right mouse button, select "View Database Properties ..." submenu, the dialog box appears as shown below, and display the database properties:

  12, into the shape file ArcView

GisEditor support import ArcView Shape file data, the data in the import file, you must at least have an open canvas, and set the corresponding data source.

Select the File menu's "Import | File" sub-menu, the following dialog box appears, select the appropriate Shape file.

Of course, if you do not set up the appropriate projection model, which is not normally imported.

1), imported into GISEDITOR the shapefile file will first create a new data dictionary table. File from the shapefile to import all the data primitives. File import is complete, the list will automatically increase in the layer a new layer.

  2) Shape file if you want to appear in the primitive layer, select "Database" menu "Load Shape object to the layer" sub-menu

So that you can select the required file from the import Shape primitives of the.  Each pixel will automatically import the same table in the database records associated with them.

13, view and edit the data dictionary:

 Select "Database | Edit Attribute table structure ..." submenu, you can open the following dialog box:

 List box shows all the attributes of the current database table, select the database table you want to edit, then click the "edit button" to open the structure of the database table designer.

 In this dialog, can be the property of the structure of the design.

14  Spatial Query

GISEDITOR data structure to support both spatial data types, such as polygon, line and point and non-spatial data types, such as numbers and text.

Spatial query, which means you can choose a standard-based data, such as which functions overlap, cross, or at the specified distance.  This allows you to enable you to answer this question, such as: What is the average residential household income within the region in which?

 To check availability, select "Query | SQL queries" the following dialog box appears, through this dialog box to complete the query:


15, Report Output:

 1), standard reports:

Operation is as follows:

Select the "Report | Standard Reports ..." submenu, dialog box pops up the following settings in this dialog box, select your desired output of the contents of the report:

Of course, you can click the button below to check out the report via a query.

2), timing reports:

Select the "Report | Timing Report ..." submenu, dialog box pops up the following settings in this dialog box, select your desired output of the contents of the report. Of course, you can click the button below to check out the report via a query.

3) Summary Report:

Select the "Report | District Report ..." submenu, dialog box pops up the following settings in this dialog box, select your desired output of the contents of the report:

Of course, you can click the button below to check out the report via a query.

4), column:

 Select the "Report | Histogram ..." sub-menu, Settings dialog box pops up the following in this dialog box, select your desired graphic output of content

. Of course, you can click the button below to query results output by a query graph.


5), the timing diagram:

Select the "Report | timing diagram ..." sub-menu, Settings dialog box pops up the following in this dialog box, select your desired graphic output of content:

Of course, you can click the button below to query results output by a query graph.


6), pie chart:

Select the "Report | Pie ..." sub-menu, Settings dialog box pops up the following in this dialog box, select your desired graphic output of content:

 Of course, you can click the button below to query results output by a query graph.


12, distance measurement

Select "Search | Measuring distance" sub-menu to the canvas by drawing a line to measure distance.

13, GisViewer program:

This program specifically designed for the display and management GisEditor well designed map files can browse, search, zoom, pan, print reports, etc., as follows:

14, G is graphical visualization OCX controls:

This procedure is based GisViewer the OCX can perform the same function with the GisViewer, but can be applied with the web and other non-VC + + language development:


Complete source code as a set of VC + + / MFC library, E-XD++ graphics library visualization can you develop advanced GIS application of any savings of over 70% of development time. Gis your application can be constructed on the basis of the GisEditor.  GisEditor all the source code can be customized according to your needs.  Now in the National Bureau of Statistics, Academy of Agricultural Sciences, Forestry Research Institute, military, energy, electricity, etc. a large number of units to be widely used.

More than 500 thousands lines "all carefully designed and rigorously tested" C/C++/.NET source codes,  all complete source codes is shipped without any reservations!

 Provide more than 500 C + + extension class, more than 500 thousands lines of effective VC++ / MFC source code, more than 70 ready to use solution's source code, complete and detailed online help system and user documentation, supporting development tools designed!

 Powerful, flexible and easy to use graphical visualization of source code libraries.
 Powerful and flexible components to create a variety of charts to meet your needs.  Product design specifications, it is easy to use, in just a few days can be designed according to your needs products.  We provide complete support for products, download the trial.

 Ultra-versatile, such as automatic layout, multi-level collapsible subgraph, cell connection point, XML, DXF, SHP, SVG, etc., can help you quickly create complex and flexible chart.  Supports a number of events: such as click, double click, hover, select, rubber band select, copy, delete, resize and move the support.  Support the most complex operations: such as drag and drop, unlimited undo / redo and clipboard operations and so on.

 Save time and money to obtain reliability.
 A picture is worth a thousand words, E-XD++ offer more than 500 thousands lines of well-designed and well-tested C/C + +/.NET source code!  Development takes years, thousands of customers worldwide validation, can save you a lot of development time and money!

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