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E-XD++Visual C++/ MFC Products
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Electronic Form Solution
Visualization & HMI Solution
Power system HMI Solution
CAD Drawing and Printing Solution

Bar code labeling Solution
Workflow Solution

Coal industry HMI Solution
Instrumentation Gauge Solution

Report Printing Solution
Graphical modeling Solution
GIS mapping solution

Visio graphics solution
Industrial control SCADA &HMI Solution
BPM business process Solution

Industrial monitoring Solution
Flowchart and diagramming Solution
Organization Diagram Solution

Graphic editor Source Code
UML drawing editor Source Code
Map Diagramming Solution

Architectural Graphic Drawing Solution
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Visual C++ Tutorials / VC++ Articles, it also ship with MFC Articles Links.

Here are some useful add-in related Visual C++ Tutorials / New VC++ Articles  links I've started collecting. This section is still very much under construction, and more links will be appearing in the future. If any Visual C++ Tutorials /VC++ Articles  link, contact me

MFC Tutorials, and MFC Articles 

  Advance Solution


New HMI & SCADA Graphics Visualization Source Code Solution is ready!

UCanCode HMI-SCADA Graphics Visualization VC++ Source Code Solution -- Industrial Control \Design and Simulation Integrated Development Platform VC + + source code solution, to use E-XD++ source code visualization component library will save you more than 70% of development time.

Use E-XD++ Enterprise Edition visualization, build your own professional industrial control, simulation platform within hours, more...

"Diagramming business logic when developing a custom application is a time-consuming, tedious—and necessary—process. With E-XD++ Diagramming Source Code Kit, you can spend more time focusing on the finer points of your customer's business and less time worrying about making the business process diagram look good. "

C and C++ / VC++ MFC Tools and Components

New Leading Visual C++ Articles!

VC++ Tutorials, VC++ MFC Tutorials web site
A cool year selector with VC++ Samples Year selector Visual C++ Articles!
A COOL Picker Library with full VC++ Samples Visual C++ Articles Project
A GDI pattern brush tool with VC++ Samples From UCanCode software, VC++ Articles!

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Product Tour
E-XD++ product walkthrough

Applications built on E-XD++

Product feature comparison

Powerful, flexible, and easy to use Diagram Components.
Powerful and flexible enough to create diagrams exactly the way you want them to appear. So easy to use that you will be able to prototype your application in just a few minutes.

Feature rich.
With features such as automatic layout, multiple layers, collapsible sub-graphs, snap-to connection points, XML, SVG, and more, E-XD++ Have the power and flexibility you need to create sophisticated diagrams, quickly and easily. Events such as click, double-click, hover, select, rubber-band select, copy, delete, resize and move are supported. Operations such as drag-and-drop, unlimited undo/redo, and clipboard operations are common and complex, and are expected by today's sophisticated users. it full supports importing ArcGis, SVG and DXF File format.

Performance and Scalability.
UCanCode E-XD++ Capable of handling many thousands of nodes and edges, up to hundreds of thousands depending upon the complexity of the nodes you wish to draw and the operations you wish to allow. Our graphical classes are extremely lightweight objects enabling outstanding performance.

Save Time and Money and gain Reliability.
A diagram is worth 1,000 words, and E-XD++ is shipped with more than 500,000 lines of well designed and well tested code! It is used by hundreds of the world's most quality conscious companies.  It will saves you thousands of hours of complex coding and years of maintenance.


Visual C++ Tutorials / VC++ Articles

Below are the list of these VC++ Tutorials Codes:

VC++ Tool: Visual C++ and SQL generator for ODBC Database, with source code sample

Next--> GIS and SCADA, SCADA Software With GIS, Real - Time Software with GIS, Source Code solution for C/C++, .NET

VC++ MFC example: Micrsoft Visio 12 like Print Preview Source Code

VC++ MFC Tutorial: GDI Objects

VC++ development Sample: Build and Setting Multiple workspaces and project

Free EMF to SVG File Convert Tool

SVG Vector Graphics Editor With Source Code

C++ Tutorial, C Tutorial

Download Visual Assist

HMI-SCADA Visualization Solutions for C/C++, Java, C# and VB

HMI Graphics Component with VC++ Source Code

Open Source HMI / SCADA Software ToolKit, C# / C++ Codes

VC++ MFC Tutorial: The CPrintDialog Class

Indusoft - like HMI Software, SCADA System, OPC, Web Studio, Web SCADA, VC++ Source Code 2025

Visual Studio 2013

HMI & SCADA Designer and ProgressBar

C++ Chart Graph Library

Free VC++ Port / IO Serial Communication Source Code

Hosting WPF Content in an VC++ MFC Application

Visual C++ 2008 Feature Pack

MSBuild VCBuild VBBuild Features for Visual C++ Project

E-XD++ GDI Drawing PolyBezier Example: Drawing Cloud Shape

VC++ Example CFilterEdit Regular Expression : Use Regular Expression to Filter Your Input, Boost C++ Library

E-XD++ GDI Drawing Example: Drawing ADDL Package Shape

HMI and SCADA LED Control

E-XD++ GDI Drawing Example: Drawing A Clock Shape

E-XD++ GDI Drawing Example: Drawing Wave Shape

C++ Property Grid Control

E-XD++ GDI VC++ Drawing Example: Drawing Pie Progress Control Shape

Visual C++ Express Download

MFC Article: Keep an Window Always on Top with WS_EX_TOPMOST and OnWindowPosChanged

RichEdit Control in MFC CRichEditView and MSFTEDIT

Data Visualization Component, Data Visaulization VC++Source Code Control with Process Simulation Software

Play GIF, Load GIF, GIF Animate, with GDI+ Example

C# Aircraft Instrument Control

MFC Example: Copy, Move and Delete files and rename directories,  SHFileOperation and CFileFind and FindFirstFile with FindNextFile

VC++ Sample: Convert EMF to WMF using GDI+

E-XD++ GDI Drawing Example: Drawing UML Actor Shape

MFC Example:Store and read with Ini file

VC++ Example: Sizing Control Bar with Tab Control, DockControlBar

High-speed Charting Control, Real Time Chart, Data Visualization, C# Source Code

VC++ Example: Control for Load and  View Bitmap file, ScrollBar

VC++ Example: SaveDC and RestoreDC, IsPrinting and GetSysColor

Graphics Drawing Tool by with C# Source Code

HMI Led Contrl and Meter Control for C#

Serial Port Communication, Read data from port Visual C++ Samples

Generate and Write Word Reports Documents with .NET C++ Source Code

GIS and GPS Mapping Software for .NET

CAD 2D Draw - Geometry Library with VC++ Source Codes

Add proto - logic diagram displays to your Java, C++, and .NET applications, for the desktop and rich internet applications.

VC++ Example: Retrieving lost passwords using Windows hook and WM_GETTEXT

AutoCAD File Format, Read and Write drawing with Visual C++ Source Code

.NET HMI Control Solution.


Printing ActiveX Controls, C++ Source Code

Direct2D Vector Graphics Rendering with Visual C++, MFC

PLC Programming, Read data from PLC, Write Data to PLC, PLC Communication

Call Lua Script in Visual C++ / MFC Sample


C# Article: Graph Draw and Layout Control Source Code

VC++ Logical Circuit Simulator Source Codes

E-XD++ GDI VC++ Drawing Example: Draw Animate Line with CBrush

Draw Vertial gradient, Horizontal Gradient and Draw Diagonal gradient with VC++

MS Chart Control with VC++

MFC Example: Create Multiple Thread with CreateThread and CWinThread and SuspendThread and ResumeThread

Date-Time Edit Control A simple mucancode.neted date-time editor. VC++ Article Source Code and GetWindowText

Free VC++ Tool: Convert C++ Code file to HTML

Call JavaScript from Visual C++ and MFC, Article and Example

StatusBar in CDialog,  SetPaneText and CTime, GetCurrentTime with VC++ Sample

Factory Pattern in C++

3D font OpenGL ActiveX Control with Visual C++ Source Code

DXF File, Read and Draw, Import and View .NET and C++ Source Code

RegisterClipboardFormat with COleDropSource, CSharedFile to drag to word and excel Visual C Codes

EC61131 PLC Automation Programming and Simulation Visualization Source Code Kit for C/C++,  .NET

UML Case Diagram, UML Sequence Diagram, VC + +/.NET visualization component library source code

VC++ Converting ANSI to Unicode with _MSC_VER, MBCS, Multiple Byte

.NET Article: Draw 2d and 3d text with GDI+, and Draw Shadow text and  Emboss text with Visual C++ Source Codes

Get Business Card / Label Print Component C++ Source Codes

Visual C++ MFC Class Wizard

OpenGL Line draw, 2D Graphics, and Render Article and Samples Code

Free Graphics and Free Meter, Free Dials with C/C++ Source Code, ActiveX Control, .NET

PID process control, Process Simulation, PLC Real Time, VC++ Source Code

ExtTextOut, TabbedTextOut, in WinCE in VC++

OPC Software and OPC Server Component for C/C++, c#

MFC Library: Drawing Spline application with OpenGL with sample Source Code

Graphics Library for WinCE, Draw Bitmap, Draw Gif, Draw Jpg with Win CE, Visual C++ Codes


Windows Debug - Debug Application Crash, Visual C++

ActiveX Control with MFC Source Code CStatusBar

GetDeviceType and _splitpath with lstrlen and lstrcat

Create COM Object, Build COM Component, ATL Component with Visual C++

GDI+ Example:  Draw Curve ActiveX Control GraphicsPath and Graphics

2D CAD  Draw Application with C# Source Code

VC++ Sample: ExtSelectClipRgn or IntersectClipRect, ExcludeClipRect and OffsetClipRgn or GetMetaRgn with InvalidateRect

VC++ Article: Print and Draw Html Document Text, draw like DrawText

Send Email using MAPI - A COM  Email DLL Component, VC++ Example With Source Code

VC++ Example: GetPath, BeginPath, EndPath, True Type Font, Draw Outline of text

Create Multiple Language to MFC Extension DLL Toolkit with Resource only

Context menu with OnInitMenuPopup and TrackPopupMenu and IsClipboardFormatAvailable Visual ++

MATLAB Simulation Visualization Solution -- Full VC++ Source Codes

VC++ Article: Draw Image Background and CScrollView text with bitmap brush and PreCreateWindow

Visual Studio example and Visual Studio Tutorial and mfc tree control

CListView Loading Images BMP, PNG, GIF, JPEG, WMF, ICO, and EMF Files

VC++ Printing Article with Printing Text and Printing Table, Printing Jpg and Gif and PCX

CXImage Library, PNG, Show, Pocket PC with VC++ Sample

Add Skin to your Visual C++ MFC application, download source codes

Open Source Project's in VC++ & MFC

Visual C++ and MFC Appwizard: CMDIChildWnd with CenterWindow AfxGetMainWnd

Draw, Print and encode UPCA barcode and UPCE barcode, and EAN13 barcode with VC++ Codes

SCADA Automation Programming Tool And visualization component Control VC++ Source Code Solution

VC++ Example: Read font from file name, TTF Font name CFile and Open

MFC MDI and SDI Example to create ruler scrollview and splitter

VC++ Example and Article: Drawing Double Buffering With GDI+

DPtoLP and LPtoDP, CPrintInfo and GetDeviceName and DOCINFO with StartPage and EndPage, VC++ Printing

MFC Example: CreateFile and WriteFile with save memory dc to bitmap file

Video Capture with Visual C++

VC++ Article: Create Cursor, Display cursor, Convert bitmap to cursor, CreateIconIndirect, DeleteDC, SelectObject, ICONINFO

VC++ MFC Tutorial: ActiveX Control Example

Visual Studio 2010 in VC + + Parallel Construction of tuning

Read DXF File, Write DXF File, Draw DXF File and autocad with source codes

Real Time Wave Sine Square Triangle Signal Generator with C# Source Code

C++ XML Parser

Intouch with SCADA System and HMI, OPC, PLC VC++ Source Code


VC++ Example: Return or Esc Key with EndDialog and OnSysCommand

OpenGL 3D Graph ActiveX Control

ETAP Electrical Power Simulation Solution -- Full VC++ Source Codes

VC++ Example: Draw or display Real-time data plot Chart

VC++ Ado Tutorial with VC++ Ado Sample and VC++ Ado Example

Draw Real - time data bar chart control MFC Source Codes

Real time software and HMI Software with Trend Chart VC++ Source Code

OpenGL printing and Print Preview with Visual C++

VC++ Example: Draw or fill Gradient

Direct2D & DirectWrite, Draw and Rendering text C++ Source Code

Draw transparency  image file, Alpha Blending using GDI+ Sample

VC++ MFC Ruler Control with Source Code, AfxGetResourceHandle, LoadStandardCursor and RegisterWindowClass

VC++ MFC Tutorial: Undo Redo Source Code

Draw or Paint Spline Curve Line with VC++ Source Code

HMI-SCADA Software from UCanCode Software

MFC Example: Docking CSizingControlBar Windows inside ActiveX Control with CFrameWnd and SetTimer

MFC Example: Rows of CToolBar and CToolBarCtrl, with CalcDynamicLayout, with SetRows CBRS_ALIGN_TOP , CBRS_SIZE_DYNAMIC and FloatControlBar

UML Diagram Component / Drawing C++ Source Code Solution from UCanCode, it will save you 50% - 80% time for building any UML based application.

VC++ .NET Programming, Writing a Wrapper for COM Components


VC++ Article: Calculate the width of text with GetTextExtentPoint32, DT_CALCRECT and GetCharABCWidths

MFC Source Code: File dialog with image preview WM_QUERYNEWPALETTE and WM_PALETTECHANGED

MFC Multiple Page Print preview Article and CPrintPreviewState, it with CPrintPreview and DoPrintPreview, LPDEVMODE and GetPrinterDeviceDefaults

Visual C++ 2010

MFC Extension DLL with AFX_EXT_CLASS

VC++ Tool: MFC GDI Plus thumbnail CListCtrl, BMP File, Jpeg file, Gif File, Tiff file

OPC Client, OPC Server and OPC Component in C++ Source Code

VC++ Example: Write HTML File (Table)

MFC Example: CoInitializeEx and SHBrowseForFolder  with file folder browser

Visual C++ Serial Data Communication, with Open Port, Close Port and Write, data tranmission, and read data

VC++ Debug Trace, Memory Check, Assert Article, DebugOutputString CMemoryState A C++ Projects

call VC++ / C++ and MFC DLL function with VB Program

VC++ Article: PARSE AND write XML file with Microsoft MSXML 4 of C++ Wrapper

Spell Checker with VC++ Source Codes and CStringArray with TrimLeft, TrimRight and CompareNoCase CWaitCursor

VC++ MFC Example: Create or show Progress Bar/Edit Control/Combobox Control/icon in a status bar

MFC Example: Merge Menu with CreatePopupMenu and GetMenuItemCount GetSubMenu and AppendMenu and InsertMenu

OPC, PLC, SCADA Component And Source Code

MFC Source Code: WindowFromPoint and GetDlgItem or ScreenToClient

Tooltips CToolBar EnableToolTips and CBRS_ALIGN_ANY | CBRS_TOOLTIPS | CBRS_FLYBY with_countof

Draw Curve Line with VC++/MFC visualization Control

VC++ Article: Skin based slider control, CSliderCtrl

Visual C++ 2010 Article: MFC  Thumbnail Preview and Com DLL with Com Interface

MFC Source Code: SQLPrepare and SQLAllocStmt with CDBException and SQL Query and ExecuteSQL

VC++ Article: DECLARE_SERIAL and IMPLEMENT_SERIAL and serialize data from or to disk

Create HTML Help and HTML help workshop with HtmlHelp VC++ MFC Example

Windows hook programming with VirtualProtect,SetWindowHookEx and beginthread

Real-time Chart, VC++ Source Code with SImulation Software

MFC visualisation software: Create and draw Thumbnail View with CWinApp and CDocTemplate and CMultiDocTemplate

C# Article: Create, Open, Load, Save, Import, Export, Edit, SVG File Document With C#, SVG .NET Class Library

Create VC++ MFC Chart Control,  Drawing and Priint Bar Chart, Source Codes

WPF 3D Article, Tutorial with Chart Graphics C# Code

Drawing Graphics with DirectDraw, Double Buffer Drawing with MFC

Get file or folder time and set file or folder time, FindFirstFile and FindNextfile with  GetFileAttributes vc++ example

LoadResource FindResource and LockResource, with UnlockResource or VC++ Sample

VC++ Sample: Address Book

VC++ GDI Example: Draw an periodic Table shape

.NET HMI & SCADA Solution.

Play MP3 File and MP3 Palyer with Visual C++ Source Codes

Screen Capture , to Clipboard, C++ Source Code, Get bitmap of Window

Store and read from XML File with .NET and C# framework, C++/MFC Example

Visual C++ Example: Load DIB Bitmap File and Save Bitmap file and Convert dib to bitmap and rotate bitmap file

Visual C++ XML Article, Load Parse and save XML Document with MSXML Library

MFC Library Article: Create Database with SQL Server and ADO Stored Procedures

VC++ Tool: Printer Settings - Change, Store and Load Printer Setting, Paper Orientation

AfxGetStaticModuleState and LoadLibrary of GetProcAddress and FreeLibrary MFC ARTICLE with LOAD DLL

Multiple Monitor Support with GetSystemMetrics and AfxRegisterWndClass VC++ Example

VC++ Sample: Multiple Views layout of RepositionBars and DeferWindowPos with RecalcLayout and UpdateAllViews

VC++ Programming: Docking Toolbars and CControlBar, Side-By-Side, EnableDocking

MFC Article: Create toolbar with SetButtons and SetButtonInfo and OnNotify

MFC Sample: Display or Create Splash Screen, Show Transparent Bitmap with SetWindowRgn

MFC Article: Creating Self-Extracted Executable file with open-source compression libraries

VC++ Example: Load or Save Dib Bitmap File, GetScrollPosition and FillRgn or CombineRgn and Create Cursor

VC++ Control: Spell Checker Control Source Code

VC++ Example: splitter control in dialog UpdateWindow GetWindowRect GetDlgItem

Add Phthon in or into C++ Application with Visual C++ Article or Tutorial Source Code

ADO MFC Visual C++ ODBC OLE DB Codes

VC++ GDI Example: GDI AlphaBlend  and Bitmap Alpha

Database Programming with C/C++, with mySQL

VC++ MFC Codes: Display Message Balloon Tip Window with SetWindowRgn and CreateRectRgn and CombineRgn

VC++ MFC Example: Place Combo Box, Edit Box, Progress Control, Check Box on toolbar, CComboBox, CEdit, CCheckBox

VC++ Article: CTreeCtrl and GetRootItem, GetItemRect and GetNextItem with Printing Tree View and CreateBitmap

MFC Sample: Add status bar to an MFC dialog, CStatusBar

VC++ Source Code Example: Create TIFF File and Write Tiff file and Read Tiff file

_TrackMouseEvent, GetWindow, GetWindowRect, SubclassWindow, GetWindowLong, SetWindowLong, Drawing, VC++, source code

VC++ Tool: MFC under the hood, WinMain, VC++ Programmer

Create MFC VC++ Static Library, UpdateData and LoadIcon

MFC GDI+ Sample: gdiplus.lib with GdiplusStartupInput and GdiplusStartup with GdiplusShutdown

VC++ Demo: Drop down Combo Box in CTreeCtrl and CListCtrl

MFC Article: XP Style CBitmapButton

VC++ Sample: Create Shadow of bitmap, draw shadow with GDI, TransparentBlt, SetBitmapBits and GetBitmapBits or GetRValue, GetGValue and GetBValue

VC++ Article: Create 2d graphics editor, AutoCAD, like Toolbar

Converter Convert RTF to HTML with VC++ Source Codes, and RICHED32.DLL

C++ Barcode source codes with draw Code39 Code93 AND Code128A  Code128B with Code128C

MFC Example Multiple monitor support with GetSystemMetrics EnumDisplayMonitors and GetMonitorInfo

VC++ Example: Change the background color of a dialog, CDialog, OnCtlColor


VC++ Article: UnrealizeObject and SetBrushOrg or GetSystemMetrics with Pattern Brush

MFC Sample Code: TrackMouseEvent and GetCapture or SetCapture and ReleaseCapture and GetCursorPos

OLE DB Sample, Database, Atldbcli.h,CoInitialize, MoveNext Visual C++ Example

CTucancode.netDialog in MFC in Visual C++ 2010

VC++ Grid Control Library Source Code Based on CListCtrl

VC++ MFC Sample Code:  Transparent bitmap splash screen

VC++ Example: Classes to Record, Play, and Save WAV File to disk

VC++ Code: Change the font of window with SetFont and EnumChildWindows and CreateIconFromResource

VC++ Example: Display GIF-animatE using GDI+ with BMP, JPEG, PNG, TIFF, EMF, WMF, DrawImage

VC++ Code: Drag and Drop File in Dialog with WM_DROPFILES and WM_NCLBUTTONDOWN

VC++ Example: Loading DLLs LoadLibrary and GetProcAddress and FreeLibrary

VC++ Sample: Free C++ Twain Source Code

VC++ Article: Color components, RGB Component, HSL Component Source Code, editor control

CDialogBar, CBitmapButton in Dialog Bar, SubclassDlgItem and EnableDocking VC++ Example

Open Souce VC++ Code  and MFC Code Site, VC++ FAQ Site and Tutorial Site

VC++ Article: create or change the skin, shape, image of dialogs, SetWindowLong

Real Time Graph Control, Plot ActiveX Control with Visual C++

VC++ Article: Create menus with Unicode, ModifyMenu, GetSubMenu

Visual C++ Article: free image library with image viewer with CxImage and CListCtrl thumbnail images

VC++ Example:  HRGN, SetWindowPos, SetWindowRgn, Create Region from bitmap file

VC++ Example: Add VBScript and JScript support in VC++ applications with Script ActiveX Control MSSCRIPT.OCX

COleDateTime, Get first day of week, COleDateTimeSpan, VC++ Example

Draw Rotate Text with GetTextExtent and SetTextAlign and ExtTextOut, VC++ Example

VC++ Tutorial: Custom CListBox - A ListBox with Radio Box, DrawFrameControl, DrawFocusRect

MFC Sample: CSliderBarCtrl Sample Source Code - RealOne Player Volume Bar Clone

MFC Sample Code: Load and Display PNG Image File

Com Programming: Com Component, ATL Library, Com Interface, QueryInterface Example

VC++ Example: Draw Emboss text and other Shadow shape on your bitmap

VC++ Article Draw Rotate / slant text strings SetWorldTransform

3D Plot - Chart Graph ActiveX Control with OpenGL

VC++ Single Instance Window, CreateWindow, CWinApp, SetWindowPos, SetFocus

VC++ Codes: GetRandomRgn  or MapWindowPoints or OffsetRgn, GetDCEx with GetClipBox, GetClipRgn and SelectClipRgn

VC++ MFC Example: Sharing file folders using tree control drag & drop

Free VC++ MFC Grid Control with VC++ Source Code

VC++ Example: Write, Create AVI Files

VC++ MFC DIBLOOK Advance Sample, with file open dialog preview

VC++ XML Read and Write Article: C++ Source Code  for Creating and Processing XML documents

VC++ MFC Tutorial: Adding Context Help to your application HtmlHelp

CEdit-derived Hyper link control, so user can edit hyper links

VC++ MFC ActiveX Control Article, COM Drag - Drop  Example

E-XD++ UML Drawing Example: Drawing UML Package Shape

Visual C++ Sample: Resize dialog, Resize Property Sheet and Resize Property Page with CPropertySheet and CPropertyPage

VC++ Example:  A few skin library with source codes

VC++ Sample:  Screen Capture

MFC Source Code: Draw Text with GetCurrentFont, GetTextExtent and GetLogFont and MoveToEx

MFC Example Retrieve color from desktop with CreateDC and GetCursorPos, GetPixel

VC++ Example:  Store Bitmaps into an Array, CBitmap, CreateBitmapIndirect

VC++ FAQ: Place a bitmap image on the clipboard

Visual C++ 2008 Feature Pack: MFC Visual Studio Office 2007 Style Enhancements

VC++ Article: Converting Wav file to MP3 or other format using DirectShow with source code

VC++ Example: ODBC Database SQL DSN- A class to dynamically read data from any ODBC data source

Printing Preview toolbar, MFC Example

VC++ MFC Example: Adding VBScript and JScript support in your C++ applications

VC++ MFC Project Setting, Unicode, MBCS,_MBCS or _UNICODE, wWinMainCRTStartup

OpenGL Tutorial:  Printing and Print Preview with VC++ Example

MFC Sample: Changing Bitmaps Color Depth, CBitmap, GetDIBits

VC++ Example: Load, Draw Bitmap File, CBitmap, GetBitmap,  BITMAPINFOHEADER

VC++ Codes: Draw text along line and draw rotate text

VC++ Example: CString Extension, Get Window Directory

VC++ Example: Rotate a bitmap DIB image File

Visual C++ MFC Programming: Skin CListCtrl with InsertColumn SetItemText and ListView_SetExtendedListViewStyle

CAM simulator Sample with VC++ MFC Source Code

VC++ Tool: RTF-to-HTML Converter, Convert Rich Text to HTML Example

VC++ Sample:  Outlookbar-style menu  control interface with source code download.

C# Example: Free Draw .NET GDI+ Gauge Control with Source Code

VC++ Example Capture Print Screen to Clipboard including dropdown menu, SetWindowsHookEx and UnhookWindowsHookEx, with RegisterWindowMessage

VC++ Tutorial: Using DirectX, DirectDraw in MFC, Article, Example Codes

Day, week, month calendar control with vc++ source code,MS OutLook Look

VC++ MFC Example: Read / Write, Load / Save, Registry access to HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE and HKEY_CURRENT_USER

VC++ Article: Opening / Saving multiple types of documents in MFC MDI applications

VC++ Example: Using one VC++ extension DLL in another VC++ Extension Dll

Globals in MFC Class Framework, CWinApp

VC++ Article: Print ListCtrl on multiple pages, CListCtrl, CListView

VC++ Example: How to print an ActiveX MSChart Report Chart control Component, Source Code

Full Screen with CWnd and Diagram Like Microsoft Visio 2007

VC++ Article: Tile, center and stretch a bitmap as your MFC dialog background

VC++ Example: Convert / Turn bitmap DIB File to a JPEG file

VC++ Source Code Tool: Project number Line code Counter Statistical

C++ Article: Compuware, BoundsChecker, Tracking GDI resource memory leaks

VC++ MFC Example:  CTreeCtrl, Create Tree Control

VC++ Codes: bitmap and bmWidth with bmHeight, biBitCount

VC++ MFC Tutorial: Unicode, MBCS and Generic text mappings

VC++ Game Sample Source Code, Wave File Play, Midi file play, DirectX

VC++ Example: Sort CObList class

C++ Article STL Iterator and the VC++ MFC Iterator

MFC Tutorial: Sort CObArray class

VC++ Codes: BeginPaint and EndPaint, CPaintDC, CClientDC, GetDC and ReleaseDC

VC++ Sample: Quick Sort for CStringArray

MFC Sample Code: CList Iterator

MFC Example: Export dialogs in MFC Extension DLLs

VC++ MFC Tutorial: CListCtrl, InsertItem, Using List Control, SetImageList, Article with source code.

C++ Example: Formula Editor, and mathematical control with Drag Drop, Copy, Cut, Paste, Export to image support.

Free VC++ Example: Free Properties Grid Control , Source Code Download

VC++ MFC Source Code: Read, Write and Play GIF89A Gif image file, Example Download

VC++ Example: Listbox In-place Editing, CListBox, Text Input

VC++ Example: CToolBar, ToolBar Customization, Saving, Restoring and Drag and Drop

VC++ .NET Tutorial Programming: Using GDI+ Brushes to Draw Text

VC++ MFC Tutorial: Create MFC Extension Dll, Export MFC Classes

VC++ MFC Thread Tutorial: _beginthreadex, WaitForSingleObject, pausing, resuming, and stopping threads

E-XD++ UML Drawing Example: Drawing UML Component Shape

VC++ Example: Macintosh-like Progress Control, CProgressCtrl in Dialog

Introduction to GDI+ in .NET

GDI+ Font, Brush and Bitmap

GDI+ GraphicsPath and LinearGradientBrush

GDI+ Printing.

GDI+ and DrawArc and DrawPath

GDI+ Color and ARGB with Example

VC++ MFC Tutorial: Extend CStringArray and CString

VC++ MFC Example: Add bitmap into CImageList

VC++ MFC Sample: Magnifying Glass - demonstrates different ways to obtain or create proper DC and use BitBlt - StretchBlt functions

VC++ MFC Tutorial: Auto Save files, CDocument - CView

C# Tutorial:  A gauge control with all source code, .net 2.0

VC++ Article: Insert a bitmap file - HBITMAP into a Rich Edit Control, use COleDataSource, CF_BITMAP, and STGMEDIUM

VC++ Article: CTreeCtrl, OLE Drag and Drop Copy between Tree controls

VC++ MFC Example: A Slider Control, CSliderCtrl

VC++ MFC Example: Draw 2D Bar Chart, Draw 2D Pie Chart, Create Line Chart

MFC Example: CListBox with Image Item, CCheckListBox

VC++ Article: CSplitterWnd Extension that Allows Create Multiple Views, and Switch Views in Any Pane

VC++ Controls: The Tree Control, CTreeCtrl Example

VC++ Tutorial: Drag, Drop, COleDataSource, CSharedFile, RegisterClipboardFormat

VC++ MFC Tutorial: Property Pages for ActiveX Controls, COlePropertyPage, GetIDispatch

VC++ MFC Example: Create MFC Extension DLL, COM  and ATL, dllimport, dllexport, AFX_EXT_CLASS

VC++ MFC Example: Clipboard on CF_DIB, CF_METAFILEPICT, OpenClipboard, GetClipboardData, CloseClipboard

VC++ Example: CListBox - A list box with Icons, AddString, InsertString, with Image Item

VC++ MFC Example: Multiple Document / Views, CObList

VC++ MFC Tutorial: C / C++ Tree Class

GDI Example: Add and Draw US flag with E-XD++, five star shape

VC++ MFC Example: Extend draw text with ExtTextOut

VC++ Example Source: 2D Chart and 3D Plot Print Chart Control

VC++ Example: Drawing an Arrow Line with Source Code

C++ and VC++ Code Generator Tool, Free UML Class Diagram Drawing Tool

VC++ Tutorial /Database Print

VC++ Tips: Auto-complete edit control

VC++ Article: CListCtrl, CListView to displaying jpeg image thumbnails with PaintLib

Visual C++ Addin: CFileDialog AddIn, Download Example

Using GDI+ with MFC or native C/VC++


E-XD++ UML Drawing FlowChart Example: Drawing UML Note Shape

Visual C++/MFC Tutorial - Lesson 1: Behind the Scenes with Handles and Post Messages

Customized Printing Dialog using PrintDlg

Visual C++ Tutorial: Visual C++ Debug / VC++ Debug / MFC Debug

MFC Tutorial: MFC Print

Runtime class information using CRuntimeClass in MFC

Unicode Programming in MFC

GDI+ Examples: Drawing Column Chart

VC++ MFC Example: Icon Select Combo Box, CComboBox

C/C++ Drawing BarCode Tutorials

GDI Example: Transparent Bitmap - True Method

GDI+ Example: Using GDI+ Brushes to Draw Text

VC++ MFC Tutorial: Print the contents of the list View control, CListCtrl, Custom Draw

Visual C# Samples: Scribble Sample - Visual C# MDI Drawing

MFC Example: Print Preview in MFC - Dialog

MFC Example: Using MFC For Drag '& Drop, Cut, Copy, and Paste

Visual C++ MFC Tutorials: CZoomView / A class that provides "zoom" feature

Visual C++ Examples: A fully customizable Property Grid, Grid Control, Property Window, Property Control with VC++ source codes.

Visual Studio .NET 2003 Tutorial - Using Visual Studio .Net 2003, Building C++ .Net Application

MFC Examples: MFC Solution to Explanding the CFileDialog Common Dialog

MFC GDI Tutorials: GDI Printing, GDI+ Printing

ActiveX Control Tutorial, COleControl

VC++ Tutorials: Visual C++ DLL: How to build a resource-only DLL?

Visual c++ character sets, Unicode, _MBCS

MFC Topics: CTreeCtrl, CListCtrl, SetItemData, GetItemData, InsertItem

MFC Programming: MFC Tab Control, CTabCtrl

Visual C++ Example: Multiple CRectTracker Drawing

Visual C++ Example: transparent MFC CSliderCtrl Source Code

Visual C++ Example: MFC Bitmap Button Source Code (CButton)

Visual C++ CComboBox: Auto-complete ComboBox

Visual C++ / VC++ MFC Printing Class Library

Visual C++ Example: How to swap two items of  CListView, GetItem, GetItemState

Cool MFC Font Combo Box with source codes (CComboBox)

Cool office XP Style Menu, Icon Menu and Bitmap Menu, CMenu

MFC GUI Framework: inside Atl & dll server

Visual C++ Example: MFC XML Serialize

Visual C++ Example: DXF File Drawing, load, write

GDI+ Examples: GDI+ Line/Curve Drawing and Hit Test CObject and CObArray

CDC Examples: Drawing vertical text

Visual C++ Drawing Example: Anti-Alias C++ Drawing

MFC CListCtrl: Print the contents of the list control

MFC SetTimer: WM_TIMER with VC++ Sample Source Code

VC++ Example: Quick Draw Image Stretching Technique, StretchBlt Dib

VC++ Example: OnPreparePrinting and OnBeginPrinting and OnEndPrinting, Plug-in class to support printing from a listview

MFC VC++ Topics: Getting the location of a printer device

MFC VC++ Topics: Print a bitmap full page

VC++ Example: Com Programming

VC++ Example: Creating a CTabCtrl Application

C++ Article: Geometry Concepts Line Intersection and its Applications

VC++ Tutorial: High quality image rotation (rotate by shear)

MFC Example: CFile and Creating a File, Open, Write, CFile::modeCreate, CFile:: modeReadWrite

MFC Example: CStdioFile-derived class for multibyte and Unicode reading and writing

VC++ MFC Example: Paint and draw source code, CClientDC

VC++ MFC Tutorial: A simple intorduction to using the MFC collections CArray, CList and CMap, Free Source Code Download

VC++ MFC Tutorial: Free Drawing Printing ActiveX Control that use GDI+

VC++ MFC Example: The CPageSetupDialog Class

VC++ Sample Code: CFindReplaceDialog, CFrameWnd

Drawing Tutorial for Visual C++ 2005

VC++ MFC Sample: CreateDIBSection, BITMAPINFOHEADER, CreateCompatibleDC, BITMAPINFO

VC++ Example:  RegisterWindowMessage, WM_USER, ON_NOTIFY 

VC++ Articles: Create Thread, CWinThread, AfxBeginThread

VC++ MFC Example: CButton, Button Contrl with 3D Text Drawing

VC++ Sample:  MP3 Player with C++ Source Code, Play MP3 File

VC++ Tutorial: Drag and Drop Draw with Mouse by Using SetCapture, ReleaseCapture, TrackMouseEvent

VC++ Example: Free ActiveX Grid Control (Written with MFC Source Code)

VC++ Example: ToolBar with ComboBox, add CComboBox to CToolBar

VC++ Example: CComboBoxEx with History, ComboBox, CComboBox to history!

Visual C++ 6 Unleashed

Visual C++ 6 Unleashed provides comprehensive coverage of the core topics for Visual C++ 6 programming. This book skips the beginning level material and jumps right in to Visual C++.

Visual C++ 2005 Express

This is available for free until November 2006. You will have to download the Windows Platform SDK from the link at the bottom of the page to build native Windows applications.

eMbedded Visual C++

Windows CE .NET includes eMbedded Visual C++ 4.0, a powerful development tool that offers considerable benefits to companies building native code applications for the next generation of Windows CE-based devices

Microsoft Visual C++ Toolkit 2003

The Microsoft Visual C++ Toolkit 2003 includes the core tools developers need to compile and link C++-based applications for Windows and the .NET Common Language Runtime. Including: Microsoft C/C++ Optimizing Compiler and Linker; C Runtime Library and the C++ Standard Library; Microsoft .NET Framework Common Language Runtime; and sample code. is an effort to provide articles, examples and relevant content on Win32, C, C++, and VC++/MFC.

Visual C++ Tutorial

These tutorials are designed to help anyone with no previous experience in Visual C++ to quickly get started in programming windows applications, in the minimum amount of time.

DevCentral Tutorials: MFC

This is a link to the main Microsoft Foundation Classes tutorial page at dev central. You will have to register for free to gain access to the tutorials .

Visual C++ Home

Microsoft homepage for Visual C++.

Visual Studio .NET 2003 C++ Tutorial

This tutorial guides you through the process of creating a simple C++ console application using Visual Studio .NET 2003.

Visual C++ Tutorial

This tutorial guides you through the process of creating a simple console application using Visual C++ 6.0

Visual C++ And MFC Library

A number of how-tos about Visual C++ and MFC.

Visual C++ Tutorials

Visual C++ provides eight tutorials to help you begin learning new areas of the development system. Each tutorial is broken into steps, and complete code is supplied for each step. You can work through the tutorials step by step or build the code.

MFC Professional

MFC / VC++ site

A Simple COM tutorial using ATL

The purpose of this tutorial is to give you an idea on how to create a COM Server using ATL, and then being able to call the server from both a Visual C++ program, and a Visual Basic program.

Active Template Library (ATL) Frequently ucancode.neted Questions

Microsoft Knowledge Base Article - Q166480

Visual C++ Debug Tutorial

How to set breakpoints, set watches, and step through an executing program line-by-line.

Brief primer on using Visual C++

Word doc.

Visual C++ Tutorial

This tutorial is meant to be a startup tool for student unfamiliar with Microsoft Visual C++. It's purpose is to be a basic introduction to creating files and using the debugger.

Getting Started with Microsoft Visual C++

This tutorial demonstrates the basic steps required to create and execute C++ programs using Microsoft's Visual C++ software package. (PDF Document)

ATL Client Application Tutorial

Tutorial that shows steps involved in writing a container application for an ActiveX control.

Visual C++ FAQ

This is the MVP's Frequently ucancode.neted Questions Page for Microsoft Visual C++. In here you'll find answers to several common ucancode.neted questions about Visual C++, MFC and Windows development in C/C++, as well as other related stuff.

Visual C++ Programming Forum

Discussion group at codeguru.

Standard C++ Library Reference

Microsoft Standard C++ Library Reference.

Visual Homepage

Technical articles, documentation and such.

Using Visual C++ and intro. to debugger

Word doc.

Using Visual C++ within MS Developer studio

Text doc.

Using the debugger

Word doc.

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